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Showing posts from November, 2015

What a conversation!

"You need an all-round improvement. It includes writing, editing and page-making. What you write is just basics. Some of your reports are plainly awful. Even the local and around stuffs that you write, have many mistakes. You ed ited copies need editing," the boss said. "It is high time man! your really need to pull up your socks if you are interested in working here. You need to elaborate what you write in your copies. Explain the match. Don't just write the summary. I need the details. Tell me, did you ever play in any sport," he added. Recently, my seniors reviewed my performance, and let's just say the outcome was far from favorable. I was under the impression that I was doing alright, not excelling, but at least meeting the basic requirements. However, the feedback suggested otherwise, leading to an extension of my training period. During the review, my boss didn't mince his words. I was expecting some positive feedback, but what I got was a rea...

Unwritten Path: My Journey Beyond The Pen

I have stopped romanticizing the idea of pursuing a career in writing. For the longest time, I wanted to share my words with the world. Off-lately, I've come to realize that i don't really have much to offer. What I thought was passion, was a phase, which passed away. Reading is imperative for a writer and I hardly do it. It is the most basic exercise but i just don't feel like doing it. I have been advised so many times, by friends, family and even colleagues, to let go of the lethargic attitude and focus on the task at hand. But, those words fell on deaf ears. For the record, I am a journalist. But this was not a deliberate choice; it was more a twist of fate.  This realization alone explains a lot about my current state of mind. I remember reading once that 'when we set sail in search of our life's work, we must first look for passion. Not fame or rewards or riches, but a willingness to quietly do our work'. It appears my search is far...